Not directly liturgical news, but since His Excellency Archbishop Raymond Leo Burke of Saint Louis has been such an outstanding supporter of both the usus antiquior and a exemplary celebration of the ordinary form of the Roman Rite, not to mention his stalwart upholding of doctrinal orthodoxy, it is worth mentioning that today
While it is understandable that Catholics in the Archdiocese of Saint Louis and in the United States in general will feel this as a loss, it is consoling to think of the positive influence Archbishop Burke will be able to exert in Rome, where he will be without a doubt elevated to the Sacred College of Cardinals at the next Consistorium.The Holy Father has named Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura H.E. Mgr. Raymond Leo Burke, until now Archbishop of Saint Louis.
(Source: Press Bulletin of the Holy See)