It will take place at Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, June 16-22, 2008. Participants include some 250 singers drawn from a nationwide invitation to novices and experienced singers from all walks of life. The 17-member faculty is made up of some of the most experienced teachers and conductors in the country.
I've been thinking about this, and it does seem to be the largest and most elaborate teaching conference on chant and polyphony in the United States since the Second Vatican Council. Can anyone think of another?
Chant and polyphony are the two forms of music specifically named by the Second Vatican Council as music appropriate to the Roman Rite. Gregorian chant is experiencing a huge revival, not only in popular culture but in Catholic worship as well. Recent initiatives from the Vatican and a change in the musical ethos of parishes have given new energy to the cause of making chant part of the lives of Catholics. Training here is essential, and this week-long program provides it on all levels.
The core music of the program, which features daily Mass and sung office, is Gregorian Chant. In addition, participants will choose a particular choir to sing in for full polyphonic Masses, composed by Palestrina, Victoria, Morales, and Monteverdi, as well as motets from a diverse repertory that include Guerrero, Franco, Byrd, Tallis, Bruckner, and others.
There are classes on reading and singing chant, vocal instruction, conducting technique, instruction in the sung Mass for priests, as well as panels on issues in the management of Church music programs. The music books for the week include the newly published Parish Book of Chant, which will appear just in time, as well as a 200-page packet of additional music.
Faculty includes Horst Buchholz (Denver Cathedral), William Mahrt (Stanford University), Wilko Brouwers (Netherlands), Scott Turkington (Stamford Gregoriana), Kurt Poterack (Christendom College), Kevin Allen (Monastery of the Holy Cross), Arlene Oost-Zinner (St. Cecilia Schola), David Hughes (St. Mary Church), Fr. C. Frank Phillips (St. John Cantius) , Fr. Scott Haynes (St. John Cantius), Fr. Robert Skeris (Catholic University), Michael Lawrence (Philadelphia), Susan Treacy (Ave Maria), MeeAe Cecilia Nam (Met. State College of Denver), Jeffrey Tucker (Sacred Music), and Fr. Robert Pasley (Mater Ecclesia).
The Canons Regular of the Order of Saint John Cantius, famed for its role in teaching and leadership in the area of Catholic liturgy, will be assisting at every Mass, as well as at Holy Hour and Vespers. Contact