UPDATE: Since the Friends of NLM Facebook group was established a day and a half ago or so, 438 of you have joined it, which is great to see. I hope more of you will consider joining it.
A permanent icon noting this group is now over in the NLM side bar under "Affiliated Groups".
Given the popularity and influence of this social networking tool, it seemed to be a good idea to establish an NLM social network there, for it could serve to help introduce people to the NLM and its work, as well as to provide an additional means for at least some of our readership to network with each other for the common goal of the re-enchantment of the sacred liturgy.
I am hopeful that this will be of some value to some of you and that it might be a means of further extending the NLM apostolate.
That introduction aside, if this is of interest to you, see the links here below:
Join the Friends of the NLM Facebook Group
Do note, to do so requires that you have a Facebook account. If you don't have one, go to the Facebook page and sign-up for one. It is free.
Just as an FYI, I will create a link to this Facebook group that will permanently reside here on the NLM sidebar.