Tuesday, March 25, 2008

St. Colman's Cathedral news

One of our Irish readers sent this story into us earlier today:

...the TLM resumed this morning at St Colman's Cathedral, Cobh, Co. Cork after more than 40 years. It was celebrated by Bishop John Magee who celebrated the Mass piously, attentively and reverently. He knows how to celebrate the TLM very well and has an excellent command of the rubrics.

The congregation filled most of the central nave of the cathedral with a scattering in the side aisles. In all about 400-500 people attended the TLM -this would be the average attendance at one of the Sunday morning Masses in the Cathedral.


The size of the congregation should put pay to the folly that there is no demand for the TLM in Ireland in general and in Cork in particular. It was noticeable that the congreagtion thinned at Holy Communion time as people returned to their work before for the end of the lunch break which suggests that had the Mass been scheduled for the evening the congregation would have been even bigger.

Great thanks are due to St. Colman's Society for Catholic Liturgy for making this happen and for taking serious lay initiative to ensure implementationin Ireland of the Holy Father's wishes for the liturgy. We now look forward to the restoration of the TLM in Cobh Cathedral on a regular basis.

The NLM will be providing more coverage of this shortly.

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