My people, what have I done to you? How have I offended you? Answer me! What have I done to you that you so unworthily treat this Sacrament? What have I done to you that you spread teachings about this Sacrament which are not in accord with my institution; that you say this were common bread and common wine, and it were unthinkable that the changing of the bread into my sacred Body and of the wine into my precious Blood were possible? I myself after all have said: "This is my Body, this is my Blood." Why do you not believe in my words?
My people, what have I done to you that you do not raise the children in awe and love before this most holy Sacrament anymore; that you do not impart to them the truth of this Sacrament anymore; that you do not tell them either that they are to receive this Sacrament with a pure heart free of sins? My people, what have I done to you? Answer me!
What have I done to you that you no longer want to acknowledge this Sacrament as the Sacrament of my Sacrifice on the Cross; that you say that holy Mass were not the making present of the Sacrifice of the Cross; that you want to avoid the word sacrifice, although I have said: „This is my Body which will be given up for you“? What have I done to you that you have made out of this holy celebration a meal of amusement and of your self-affirmation? My people, Answer me!My people, what have I done to you that the Sacrifice of the Mass is worth to you so little; that you do everything else but participating in the Eucharistic Sacrifice, and stay away Sunday after Sunday? What have I done to you that you overlook and despise my Presence in the tabernacle? What more could I have done for you than giving you this Sacrament and thus let my Sacrifice of the Cross remain efficacious through all times and for all men? What more could I have done for you than commanding my Apostles: „Do this in memory of me?“ My people, what have I done to you? How have I offended you? Answer me! Amen.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
My people, what have I done to you?
Gregor Kollmorgen
The new bishop of Chur (Switzerland), H.E. Msgr. Vitus Huonder, who has already said and done important things for the cause of orthodoxy and orthopraxis since taking office last September in this difficult diocese, has given a wonderful sermon during the Maundy Thursday Mass of the Last Supper in his cathedral. He had chosen the improperia of Good Friday as leitmotif for all his Holy Week sermons, and on this occasion, after briefly explainig what we celebrate on Maundy Thursday, he gave his entire homily in the form of the popule meus, focusing on the Sacrifice of the Mass and the Blessed Sacrament, instituted on this day by our Lord. Here it is in my translation: