Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Valle Adurni on the Sarum use

V alle Adurni is run by Fr. Sean Finnegan. Father Finnegan was on a sabbatical from blogging for a time it would seem, but quite thankfully, he now seems to be back into the swing of things.

Those who have an interest in the Salisbury use, more popularly referred to as the "Sarum use", will be interested to know Fr. Finnegan, who celebrated Mass in accordance with those liturgical books twice approximately 10 years ago in Merton College, Oxford, has started a series of commentaries on the Sarum use.

Beyond that however, many of you will know that there has been a clip on Youtube that has circulated for awhile, taken during the offertory of one of those Masses. You will be pleased to know that Fr. Finnegan has now made more video clips of this event available. In total, he so far has about five that are newly available off his blog. (The Mass occurred in the context of Candlemas so you will see those rites as well.)

Here is one of those videos, taking place just at the beginning of the Mass, following after the blessing of the candles and the initial procession:

Fr. Finnegan's commentary on this particular video can be found on his site, but here are some relevant excerpts:

The celebrant approaches the altar and changes into his chasuble. Only the biggest churches had sacristies, and normally vestments were kept in chests near the altars...

The rulers collect their note from the precentor and begin the Officium (Introit), Suscepimus, Domine, misericordiam in templo sancto tuo. In the singing, the antiphon is repeated after the psalm and after the Gloria Patri, making three times...

Meanwhile, the sacred ministers, at the foot of the altar say the 'collect for purity', Deus qui omne cor patet, Psalm 42 (Judica me), a very short Confiteor, with a longer Misereatur and Indulgentiam; then he exchanges the sign of peace with Deacon and Subdeacon (the rubrics say he is to kiss them...) and they ascend the altar.

All the servers then go to their places; the taperers set down their candles on the altar step.

The altar is kissed and the sacred ministers make three signs of the cross.

Incense is put in by the Deacon and blessed by the Priest, and the altar is censed. There are no very clear directions for the precise way to cense an altar, so we did it more Romano.

A Sarum altar normally has two candles (there were exceptions), but others might stand around. It should also be equipped with curtains at each end; these were not present in Merton College in 1997.

After the censation, the priest is censed and the Gospel book ('Text') is brought for him to kiss. This is a ceremonial book of the Gospels, and many examples still are extant; the Canterbury Gospels, the Lindisfarne Gospels, and even the Book of Kells are of this type; probably not really meant to be read from, but used ceremonially. The Text is replaced at the Gospel side of the altar.

The Kyrie is preintoned and sung. This Kyrie is a good example of a 'farced' Kyrie, with devotional texts included between the words Kyrie and eleison.

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