Thanks to a reader for pointing out the former resource, which is new and due to be off the press very soon.
Price: $150.00
This study edition of Missale Romanum comes in a gift box and is perfect for seminarians, priests, and libraries to assist in their studies of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Textually, this edition is the same as that published by the Vatican in 2002, with the addition of the celebrations of St. Juan Diego and Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Features of Missale Romanum Editio iuxta typicam tertiam Editio a studiis:
- convenient size and weight for carrying to class, having in the office, or referencing in the library
- convenient gift box
- handsome red cloth hardcover with gold-stamping of Christ Pantocrator (front) and a Chi-Rho figure (back)
- images from the Church's treasury of fine art
- three place-holder ribbons
- tabs
- gilded pages
978-1-890177-73-7, Hardcover, 1216 pp., trim: 7" x 9.5"
Available March 14
Link to product: MTF Online - Midwest Theological Forum
Of course, this book is the study edition of the 3rd typical edition of the modern Roman missal in Latin. Midwest Theological Forum also sells a lovely, albeit rather pricey, edition of the formal altar missal as well.
It looks like a very attractive edition.