A reader sent in the following to the NLM:
11 January 2008
"After Bishop Robert Baker was installed in the Diocese of Birmingham Alabama, Fr. Alan Mackey, Dr. Anthony Clark, and the Northern Alabama Una Voce Chapter began to work with the new bishop on the implementation of the Holy Father's [motu proprio] Summorum Pontificum... Fr. Joseph Lee, from the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter and Fr. Alan Mackey from the Birmingham Diocese have both offered the Extraordinary Rite in Alabama, and regular Masses are scheduled at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Birmingham and Visitation Parish at Huntseville.
"For information on the Extraordinary Rite in Alabama contact:
Dr. Anthony Clark (Una Voce Northern Alabama President): (205) 239-8371
Fr. Alan Mackey (Una Voce Northern Alabama Chaplain): (256) 435-3238"
They attached a photo: