Saturday, January 26, 2008

More from Rome... A Vestment and a Great Idea for Introducing Young Boys to the Service of the Altar

ORBIS CATHOLICVS shows us another lovely vestment and devotional event in Rome, the Feast of St. Sebastian:

In addition to that he shares a story from his family that I found quite pertinent; families take note, this is a great idea for introducing your young boys to the altar:

"...this year marks the XXth anniversary of the time when I first donned the Roman cassock and surplice. My own dad brought me into the sacristy and explained to me that this is what he had done and my grandfather and my great-grandfather before me. For a 9 year old, it was a proud moment."

First off, congratulations to John Paul Sonnen for 20 years of service at the altar. Thanks also for sharing this idea. Surely this can be a way for young servers to have a sense of familial connection to their Catholic faith, and further, a sense of tradition.

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