Via ORBIS CATHOLICVS:Huge Tridentine rite Mass to be sung in Rome..
The Italians are already saying it will be la madre ti tutto quanto (the mother of all) liturgies. You've asked for it and so here it is and hope you can all be there on the Feast of Saint Cecilia.
His Eminence Dario Castrillon Hoyos, Prefect of the Pontifical Commission Eccleisa Dei, will sing a Solemn Pontifical High Mass in the Tridentine rite this coming Thursday, November 22 at the Roman parish of St. Ivo alla Sapienza (Corso Rinascimento, 40) at 7:00 p.m.
This Mass is being organized by the Roma Festival Barocco ( and the schola cantorum which will sing at the Mass will be the Schola Gregoriana - Ensemble Festina Lente.