Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Fr. U.M. Lang in L'Osservatore Romano, and a Story on Loreto

By way of the Italian site Petrus two stories:

VATICAN CITY - "Latin, a bond of unity between peoples and cultures."

That is what is stressed in L'Osservatore Romano in a short essay signed by [Fr.] Uwe Michael Lang, [who] traces the historical evolution of the liturgical language in the Roman rite.

"The cultural and political unity of the Mediterranean world was a providential factor in the spread of the Christian faith", he stressed in the Vatican newspaper.

"The linguistic fragmentation of Catholic worship in the post-conciliar period has been pushed such that the majority of the faithful today can barely recite a "Pater Noster" together with others, as you can see in the meetings in Rome or Lourdes. In an era marked by great mobility and globalization... a liturgical language could serve as a common bond of unity between peoples and cultures, apart from the fact that the Latin liturgy is a spiritual treasure which fed the life of the Church for many centuries."

Source: L'Osservatore Romano: "Il latino vincolo di unità tra popoli e culture"

While we are at Petrus, there is also a story about the the passing of an apparently great patron of the sacred liturgy and sacred music and the generosity of the Archbishop of Loreto. An excerpt:

VATICAN CITY - A requiem Mass in Latin using the Missal provided for by the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, the ancient Roman rite, in memory of the soul of Giovanni Cingolani Recanati, a lover of Sacred Music, [was held] Friday at 18.30 at la Cappella del Crocifisso della Pontificia Basilica della Santa Casa di Loreto.

The Archbishop of Loreto, Archbishop Gianni Danzi, has welcomed with real pastoral spirit that the faithful "adhering to the former liturgical tradition" had asked hospitality at the Shrine.

After the promulgation [of the] "motu proprio" of Pope Benedict XVI, thanks to the timely [response] of Archbishop, Loreto has become a reference point for the celebration [of Mass] according to the ancient Roman Rite, formally "launched" at the Shrine of the Holy House by Cardinal Dario Castrillòn Hoyos on September 14...

Source: Il quotidiano online sull'Apostolato di Benedetto XVI (Loreto: a Mass in the ancient Roman ritual in memory of Bishop Gianni Danzi and John Cingolani)

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