Here is a nice report on what happened at the chant workshop in McClean, Virginia.
Here is another report on what happened at the chant workshop in Woodstock, Georgia.
And can we pause just a moment to consider the implications of these two simultaneous workshops on chant, which together mean that nearly 200 people were interested in spending two days learning how to read neumes and sing chant so that they can assist in improving liturgy? This would have been inconceivable 5 years ago. There is a fantastic amount of interest in leaping beyond the status quo in Catholic liturgy. People are seeking training, instructions, answers, and a future of solemn, beautiful, and truly Catholic liturgy.
People say: chant is too hard! But look at this: the challenge is inspiring. For musicians, the combination of doing something gloriously beautiful and true for the faith can be irresistible.
WHAT'S OUT: The weekly game of hymn roulette.
WHAT'S IN: Exploring the riches of our amazing musical heritage.
Here is a great interview with William Mahrt in the National Catholic Register.