I only just noticed that the Society of St. Hugh of Cluny have a clip of the Choral Music from the Solemn High Mass of September 9 which Fr. Uwe Michael Lang celebrated in New York City.
Listen to Thomas Tallis' O Sacrum Convivium
You may wish to generally keep your eye on this new society who sponsor Masses in the usus antiquior with an evident interest in the great choral tradition of the Church, as well as an academic interest in promoting liturgy and culture.Case in point, New Yorkers may want to take note that this coming Sunday, November 4th, the Society is hosting a Mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel in New York City. Preceding that will be a presentation, History on Stage with G.K. Chesterton where Dr. John "Chuck" Chalberg will be doing his one man show portraying G.K. Chesterton -- some of you may have seen his series on EWTN to this effect; he has also done this show at American universities such as Notre Dame, Georgetown, Seton Hall, Gonzaga, and Hillsdale.
Some have commented that his presentation of Chesterton in this light has helped some people to rediscover the importance and relevance of Chesterton's writing.
If you're interested in more information on these upcoming events, please visit their website for times and directions.