Sunday, September 23, 2007

Summorum Pontificum in Paris, France

The Archbishop of Paris made it known, before the 14th of September, that nothing would change in the diocese since a mass had already been granted in 1985 in Saint-Eugène, and two more one week after the episcopal ordinations of Mgr Lefebvre, in Notre-Dame du Lys and Sainte-Odile. According to him this was supposed to meet the needs of the faithful. This was limited to the Mass and did not include sacraments. There was another condition which, even if it is not written is applied in many French dioceses: no priests from the Ecclesia Dei institutes can be tolerated, only diocesan priests celebrating both liturgies. According to them, no special skill is required to celebrate the extraordinary form.

On the 14th of September, no sign of joy or thanksgiving in the French dioceses and many restrictive commentaries from the bishops. But a surprise in Paris. The courageous parish priest of Saint-Georges took on his own to announce an evening TLM every Thursday. And he started with an unexpected sung mass on the 14th. In his parish, his predecessors had demolished the liturgical choir, burnt all the vestments and got rid of the candlesticks and so on.

Please pray for this priest and his congregation who will certainly not please the archbishop and his strategy.

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