Saturday, September 01, 2007

Fr. Finigan reports on the Oxford conference

Fr. Finigan over at the The hermeneutic of continuity has a few good posts up. One, some thoughts on Archbishop Nichols opening homily, Enrichment: Keeping it Mutual.

He also took me down memory lane with a post about St. Philip's Books in Oxford -- a place which when I strolled through, I picked up a very nice hardcover copy of the English edition of Belloc's work, The Crisis of Civilization:

The entrance to the shop

One room of the shop itself; they had a wonderful selection of patristics, Newman and Chesterton.

(St. Philip's has an online presence incidentally).

Particularly of interest is Father's post, Hard work and Glorious Liturgy which gives his summary of the Merton conference. It is worth reading and gives an idea of how the conference went, and what was spoken upon.

Here is one of his images of the many masses said at the Oxford Oratory, just as at CIEL last year in Oxford:

I must say all this continues to take on a personal meaning for myself, bringing back a flood of good memories. But more than that, this event was important as part of the new springtime for the liturgy which we now, finally, seem to be upon.

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