Friday, July 27, 2007

Of Bookplates and Porticos

Two notes of interest.

Over on The Lion and the Cardinal (Daniel Mitsui's blog), he shares a beautiful image of the Portico of St. Mark's Church in Philadelphia:

He also shares some designs which remind me of our own Matt's drawing. What particularly struck my interest in these is that they are custom bookplates he has designed. The tradition of including bookplates in one's books is something I've always enjoyed looking at. They are often beautiful works of art and give a sense of permanence and "collecton" to one's personal library. Here is a sample:

Between Matthew Alderman and Daniel Mitsui, and plus our vestment makers that are present here, it strikes me that there are many interested and ambitious Catholic artisans out there. I'd like to encourage parish priests and book publishers to consider employing their talents. Perhaps the NLM should consider creating an inventory and online portfolio of their location, their media, and samples of their work.

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