I was pleased to be sent the following from one of our readers who felt I would appreciate this; and I do, particularly as one in Canada only a few hours away from "New France." It is an online exhibit and narrative hosted by the Musée de la civilisation under the title of "Seasons of New France" and includes a number if interesting pictures and descriptions of Catholic New France -- or, in other words, what is mainly today the province of Quebec.
From the online exhibition:
"Under the French Regime, hours were still rung. The sound of the bell still told the time of the day... The bells tolled for assembly meetings, attempted to ward off hail in stormy weather, called on the inhabitants to fight various dangers and announced the ceremonies of baptisms, marriages and funerals. By sounding the morning, midday and evening angelus, the church bells imposed a rhythm on the community."
Additionally, do take a look at the Flash Version which includes some nice audio clips and other features.