The French paper, has an interview with Msgr Barbarin in which the Motu Proprio is discussed.
In this paper, the following is asked and commented upon (in unofficial, and imperfect, translation):
Will Benedict XVI restore the Latin mass?
"It is not a question of the complete return of the [preconciliar - NLM] Latin mass. It is a given option of Benedict XVI. He is attempting a work of pacification, by recalling that the Old Mass is not prohibited, like was already done by John Paul II in 1988. But this Pope wants to re-examine the precise question of the authorization [required for] this Mass. As for the true work of unity, it will be made starting from teaching of the Council. The goal of the Pope is not to sow the disorder in our parishes and our dioceses - even if that is a true risk, which we went to explain in Rome. Benedict XVI was very impressed by what said to him by Cardinal Ricard. He [takes this to account], but I do not know what will be the [final form] of the text, because we speak about a text which we do not yet know."
(If someone can provide a better translation, by all means send it to me...)
Cardinal Barbarin is of course representing the concerns of the French hierarchy that are present with regard to the Motu Proprio.
So what can we divine from this statement? Nothing new, only that, from his perspective, the issue being looked at indeed revolves around the present need for permission to say the classical rite, and second, that even the French Bishops are not certain of what form the Motu Proprio is taking, or how the Pope has responded to the concerns they brought forward last year. They likewise do not know the text of the Motu Proprio and what the result will be.
(Thanks again to a reader for pointing this out.)