Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Lend your voice to the sensus fidelium

[Many are likely aware of this initiative already, but it is worth mentioning here I think. I don't believe Benedict will be sway by petitions, however, I do believe there is merit in the faithful letting their voices and thoughts be known on this subject.

Remember as well, that signing on to this simply suggests that you support the allowance for the classical liturgy to flourish and have life of its own. In other words, one can be firmly rooted in the reform of the reform, as an example, or in the Eastern Churches, and yet support this initiative on principle. Lending your name to this suggests only that you are open to the classical liturgy as something beneficial for the life of the Church and generally, regardless of which liturgical rite you find yourself worshipping in on a given Sunday.

Please consider supporting it. Here was the initiative.]

"If you wish to join the thousands who want to lend their support to the Socci Manifesto write to:

Subject: Appello di Antonio Socci

Text:“Esprimiamo il nostro plauso per la decisione di Benedetto XVI di cancellare la proibizione dell’antica messa in latino secondo il messale di san Pio V, grande patrimonio della nostra cultura da salvare e riscoprire”. [English: 'We express our praise for the decision of Benedict XVI to cancel the prohibition of the ancient Mass in Latin according to the Missal of Saint Pius V, a great legacy of our culture, which must be saved and rediscovered.']

Sign: Name, Profession (optional), City (optional) and Country of Residence"

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