Through the grapevine, off "CTNGreg":
"This weekend, either Saturday or Sunday, during the Fox Report (7:00 pm -
8:00 pm US Eastern Time), there will be a short feature on the Traditional
Latin Mass, focusing, we hope, on its growth and appeal. The interviews will
feature Monsignor Michael Schmitz, Vicar General of the Institute of Christ
the King, and Michael Dunnigan, Chairman of Una Voce America, as well as
some of the faithful who attend Mass at our (i.e., the Institute's)
apostolate in Chicago, the Shrine of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. Mass
clips will be from our Mass this Gaudete Sunday.
(For the "necessary balance", Prof. Richard McBrien of Notre Dame
University/Indiana was also interviewed) . Also, let's pray that this piece
make many souls aware of the richness of Catholic Tradition."