Stratford Caldecott has given a sense of the intinerary for the Easter 2007 Cosmic Liturgy course/conference in Oxford.
"Here is an advance look at the schedule, which is subject to revision. It has been left somewhat loose to allow time for reading, prayer and conversation - also the introduction of certain elements at the last minute. SC"
Tues 3rd April 2007
am: Arrivals
pm: Orientation and Introduction to Chant (David Clayton and ?)
Talk by Fr Leo Chamberlain OSB, Master of St Benet's
Wednesday 4th
am: Vivian Boland OP, Spiritual Warfare in Holy Week
pm: David Clayton on Icons of Easter: Imagination in Prayer
and more on Chant
Maundy Thursday 5th
am: David Fagerberg, The Eucharist: Meaning and Centre of Time
pm: Stratford Caldecott and/or ?, The Mystery of Priesthood
Good Friday 6th
am: Vivian Boland OP, The Passion Narratives
or David Fagerberg, Death and Redemption in the Liturgy
pm: Liturgy of the Passion
Holy Saturday 7th
am: Adrienne von Speyr and the Descent into Hell
pm: Preparing for the Easter Liturgy
Easter Day 8th
am: LITURGY and feast
pm: Free
Easter Monday 9th
am: Connie Lasher, Romano Guardini and the Liturgy
pm: Alcuin Reid, The Post-Conciliar Reform and Liturgical Tradition
Tuesday 10th
am: Adrian Walker, The Orthodox Mystagogy of Maximus
pm: Seminar on Maximus and The Spirit of the Liturgy by Benedict XVI
Wed 11th
am: Seminar on Maximus and The Wellspring of Worship by Corbon
pm: Liturgy, Kingdom, Cosmos: Mystagogy in the 21st Century
Thursday 12th
am: Ite Missa Est
pm: Departures