Recently I listed a couple of CD's which are intended to help reintroduce the chanted Roman liturgy back into the parish setting, including within the Mass setting itself.
Aside from The Abbey Shop in England, there is also CanticaNova in the USA which carry these CD's. In addition to that CD, CanticaNova lists another resource, Orate Fratres which is described as follows:Produced by: The Music Makers and the Association for Latin Liturgy
This CD is a guide and tutorial for priests, deacons and seminarians in how to sing the Mass in Latin according to the Missale romanum editio typica tertia 2002.
Sleeve Notes:
The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum concilium (1964), the blueprint for our worship today, assures us (Chapter VI, 112/113) that "a liturgical service takes on a nobler aspect when the rites are celebrated with singing, the sacred ministers take their parts in them, and the faithful actively participate." It commends sacred music for "adding delight to the prayer, fostering oneness of spirit, and investing the rites with greater solemnity."
Earlier in the same document (54) it is stressed that, despite widespread use of the vernacular languages, "steps should be taken enabling the faithful to say or sing together in Latin those parts of the Mass belonging to them." Clearly this presupposes that the celebrant himself is able to lead his flock convincingly when proclaiming the Latin texts. If he can give a strong lead in singing the chants of the Missal, the faithful will surely respond joyfully in their turn. In 2003, Pope John Paul II again expressed the wish that "the beauty of music and song will return increasingly to the liturgy." New impetus is provided with the promulgation in 2002 of the Missale romanum, editio typica tertia, a handsome volume for use at the altar, in which music has been prominently included at every stage of the Mass, with the evident intention that whenever possible the celebrant will wish to chant rather than simply recite his part.
Few people indeed cannot sing given suitable guidance. This CD has been carefully compiled in order to fulfill the demand for an accurate guide both to the pronunciation of Church Latin and to the singing of the chant. As it may seem daunting to contemplate chanting the whole of the Mass, individual priests will be wise to begin by singing the parts they feel comfortable with, while their confidence grows. They may wish to play the CD over and over until particular chants are firmly fixed in their minds. It will also be a valuable reference when uncertainties arise. In addition to the standard Latin texts of the Mass, plus a useful selection of important prefaces, the historic chants of Holy Week are also included and will undoubtedly be welcomed.
This recording is offered in the hope that celebrants may be helped to find greater fulfilment in their priesthood as they lead the faithful forward to ever more joyful sung celebrations of the Holy Mass.
Introductory Rite, Collect & Gospel
In nomine Patris
Gratia Domini
Miserere nostri / Misereatur
Collect (simple tone)
Collect (solemn tone)
Gospel tones
de Adventu II (solemn tone)
de Adventu II (ferial tone)
de Mysterio Paschali I
de Sanctissima Eucharistia I
de Nativitate I
de Dominica Pentecostes
de Christo Universorum Rege
Eucharistic Prayer to Pax
Roman Canon
Eucharistic Prayer III
Pater noster to Pax
Concluding Rite & Dismissal
Solemn Blessing
Ite missa est
Holy Week & Easter Vigil
Ecce lignum crucis
Lumen Christi
Solemn Alleluia
Ite missa est, alleluia
Other Chants of the Mass
Intonation: Gloria VIII and IV
Intonation: Credo I and III
Prayer of the Faithful
Orate fratres
Ecce Agnus Dei
Recited Mass of the Holy Eucharist
Sign of the Cross, Greeting, Penitential Rite
Kyrie & Gloria
Benedictus es (sotto voce prayers)
Super oblata
Preface & Sanctus
Roman Canon
Communion Rite
Communion Antiphon
People's Communion
Concluding Rite & Ite missa est