The Society of St. Catherine of Siena has a report and some photo of their recent pilgrimage to Walsingham, as well as some other pilgrimage photos. They also include a report:"The Society made its annual pilgrimage over the week-end of Saturday and Sunday 2nd/3rd September to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham. On Saturday, we had a beautiful High Mass at St Etheldreda's, a votive Mass for the Immaculate Heart of Mary sung by the Choir of Ely Place and followed by dinner nearby. Early the next morning, we met again at Ely Place to be blessed for the work of the day ahead, and then got into cars for the drive north. Meeting first at the Slipper Chapel in the National Shrine, we made our prayers there, paraying for the future work of the Society and adding many intercessions for our trustees and the officers of the Society, living and deceased benefactors, friends, chaplains, those who guide us and all those whose work in any way touches upon our own. We added intercessions for the various priests and members of the organisations and Apostolic Societies who support and befriend us. Walking the mile into the village to visit the Holy House, we sang many litanies and a hymn to the Mother of God. Time then for a lavish picnic lunch prepared by two of our number, which we ate at the ruined Benedictine Priory of Binham (a daughter-house of St Alban's Abbey). Here we also made the Stations of the Cross in the former Choir, ending at the site of the high altar. To end the day, we went to the parish church of St Anthony of Padua in Fakenham, where the parish priest, Fr Michael Rear, welcomed us for the singing of Vespers and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. It was a good day's work, placing all the Society's endeavours in the care and prayers of Our Lady of Walsingham."