Saturday, September 30, 2006


I'm always eager to try and make the NLM even more of a resource for people, as well as to continue to increase its readership.

Speaking from an editorial capacity, I'd like it to be a source for not only news, but of course informed, scholarly discussion, articles, etc. I'd also like it to be a place which can be practical and can help people, and in particular priests, in their liturgical efforts.

To that end, I'm putting a call out for a few things:

1) If you do research in the area of traditional liturgics and liturgical theology and would like to submit a piece for a "guest article" please do so to me and I'll look it over.

2) Continue to forward me information about upcoming liturgical events such as I have recently announced in the new "Forthcoming Events" section on this site.

3) For Priests specifically: if there is anything you would like to see here that would help you in your parishes, let me know.

4) If anyone has any suggestions generally that they think would be helpful to the NLM and its mission and vision, do let me know.

Finally, please continue to email me with your events, new book releases, news stories, etc. I am not always able (especially recently) to respond quickly, or to each and everyone, but know that I rely on this and appreciate it greatly. Those who do this provide a very necessary service to this site and its readership and I thank you.

More recent articles:

For more articles, see the NLM archives: