Canon law has particular applications which delve in various aspects of ecclesial life, not excluding the matter of the sacred liturgy.
In the Eastern Orthodox Church, this is called "The Rudder". Thanks to a reader whom wanted to share this information about this now being back "in print" (actually, on a CD):
THE RUDDER (Pedalion) of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church"
Now Available on CD-ROM $100.00 (plus $10.00 S&H UPS Continental USA or $20.00 Foreign and other Airmail)
"After many years, this newly revised and translated "Rudder," with all the extraneous texts purged, is available on CD-ROM. But that is not all - it is thorouthly indexed and hyperlinked. Hyperlinks lead the user to whatever is in "The Rudder." Synods, both ecumenical and regional, and many Holy Fathers, all approved by at least one ecumenical synod. The Topical Index is also unique - from A to Z, every item in every topic is hyperlinked directly to the text being sought."
According to the publisher, the document is written in Adobe Writer 7.0. Adobe Acrobat Reader is available free at and is available for either MAC or PC.
Unless you are an organization that must be billed we are asking for prepayment on all orders to expedite our getting these from the publisher as soon as possible. Payment can be made by credit card, check or money order through the mail or credit card by phone or fax.
"The Rudder" has been out of print now for almost 10 years.
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