Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Introibo ad altare Dei...

Fisher House, the Catholic Chaplaincy of Cambridge University had its annual Mass for Vocations on Monday 8 May, according to the 1962 Missal at the lovely chapel of St John's College. I was honoured to serve in the liturgical role of sub-deacon (vested on the right) at what was a beautiful and awesome celebration of the Eucharist in the ancient Roman rite.

As the Mass proceeded, even though I had been worried about getting the rubrics correct, I was able to pray and contemplate the divine mysteries.

Indeed, standing at the foot of the altar with the paten in my hand, I had a profound sense of the mysterium tremendum and was filled with awe: God was coming to this altar!

The Chaplaincy choir sang the sublime Mass for Five Voices by William Byrd and the Gregorian chant proper for this Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit.

There may be more photos at a later date if I can obtain any from the other photographers present...

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