A one year distance learning programme
START DATE: Weekend of 10th to 12th of NOVEMBER, 2006
'Sacred images are honoured by the faithful so that by means of a visible face, our spirit may be carried in a spiritual attracting towards the invisible majesty of the divinity'
This course explores the beauty and depth of visual art from a Catholic perspective. It introduces the riches of the Eastern and Western Christian traditions that are rooted in the Incarnation and Paschal Mystery, the source and summit of Christian life.
The course assists in the understanding of the iconography and symbolism of Christian art and examines how beauty and inspiration is used in the spiritual, educational and liturgical dimensions of the Church's life, exploring the vitality and grace in the life of the Church and the action of the Holy Spirit in artistic inspiration.
A course to inspire
This course has been written and designed by Catholic artists and theologians for both practising artists and those intersted in art, especially its role in the Church and Christian life. Artistic ability is not required, although the course does hope to inspire Christian artists to enkindle a new 'epiphany of beauty' in religious art.
Course structure
This one-year course is taken part-time.
There are three optional weekend residentials.
Three module coursebooks are studied over a period of three months each.
The course requires approximately 5-8 hours a week
An optional piece of work can be taken for a certificate
To join the course
No previous qualifications are necessary. Those applying are asked to submit a 400 word piece explaining their interest in the course