Quite recently (this past Sunday in fact) I've resigned from heading up the Guild of St. Stephen altar servers at the Cathedral-Basilica I have served at for the past number of years.
This is for a variety of reasons, but a significant one is that the FSSP is now in town and offering the classical Roman liturgy. I wish to help them build their presence in this area.
Here's a photograph of the lovely chapel that we are in. Actually the picture really does not do it justice. What you aren't seeing are all the lovely chandeliers, and the gorgeous, large stained glass windows that go down each side of the chapel. I've said before that one feels as though they are in a little oratory in France or Italy when inside this chapel.
At present they are only able to offer this monthly for practical reasons. However, to my delight, this will also give me an opportunity for those other Sundays to spend more time again in the glories of the Byzantine liturgy.
Of course, this has no effect on this blog whatsoever. My "retreat" in that sense is on the practical, Sunday Mass level, not on the intellectual level of working for the reform of the reform as well. And even this is ultimately rooted in considerations of one's spiritual life, as well as strategic one's in regards my own locale and where to be of best and most effective service to the cause.
Of course, I am not suggesting there is no place, nor merit in working to bring about the reform of the reform in the midst of our parishes. Far from it. There is merit, and it is needed.
Still, I see great merit as well in people throwing themselves into something like a Fraternity apostolate, to come together with relatively like-minded Catholics in an attempt to build up a position of strength, support, encouragement, etc. in much the same way as those would who have the benefit of a parish like St. Mary's in Greenville, SC.
After all, in our pursuit of quality sacred liturgy, our ultimate pursuit is the glorification of God, followed by the sanctification of our souls, both individually and communally.
Ad majorem Dei gloriam.