For the last ten years or so, the research of Dr Lauren
Pristas (Professor of Theology, Caldwell College, New Jersey) on the
post-Vatican II revisions of the collects of the Mass has thrown much light on the theological suppositions and policies of revision that
underpin the Missal of Paul VI. The first half of the previous decade saw the publication of four well-received essays by Pristas on the subject:
I am pleased to note the recent publication by Bloomsbury
T&T Clark of Pristas’ much-anticipated book, Collects of the Roman Missals: A Comparative Study of the Sundays in Proper Seasons before and after the Second Vatican Council.- “Missale Romanum 1962 and 1970: A Comparative Study of Two Collects,” Antiphon 7:3 (2002) 29-33;
- “Theological Principles that Guided the Redaction of the Roman Missal (1970),” The Thomist 67 (April 2003) 157-95;
- “The Orations of the Vatican II Missal: Policies for Revision,” Communio 30:4 (Winter 2003) 621-53;
- “The Collects at Sunday Mass: An Examination of the Revisions of Vatican II,” Nova et Vetera 3:1 (Winter 2005) 5-38.
The necessity and magnitude of a liturgical “reform of the
reform,” as well as the validity (from a liturgico-historical perspective) of the notion of “one rite, two forms,” depend largely on the question whether the reformed liturgical rites—in this case, specifically the orations of the Missal of Paul VI—are in substantial continuity with the preceding liturgical and theological tradition. The results of Pristas’ important research, taken together with related theological analyses (e.g., that of Fr Uwe Michael Lang on the reform of the section on blessings in the Roman Ritual) merit serious attention.