(Image source: Scott Smith Photography)

Before commenting further on this, I would note the Mass itself was celebrated in accordance with the modern liturgical books employing chanted propers. The Canons Regular of St. John Cantius also took part in this Mass, which was offered by Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago.
This certainly demonstrates, yet again, the power and importance of dignified altar appointments and arrangements. Indeed, if one can give a temporary altar such dignity through these, and, further still, if this kind of effort can be put into a temporary arrangement, how much more should we be considering such matters in relation to the altars of our parishes where we not only have a fixed altar of worship, but where we also have the ability to set into place tailored, permanent arrangements?
The pragmatic question of cost always enters at this point of course, which is perfectly understandable, but may I simply offer this thought: this is an area where an extra bit of effort (and perhaps some enterprising creativity and hard work) is certainly worthwhile. The altar is, after all, central within our churches. Geoffrey Webb in his work, The Liturgical Altar speaks of "...the supreme importance which the Church attaches to the altar in her liturgy." He continues noting that "she consider[s] it the central focus of the whole liturgy, the raison d’être of the building in which its stands..." (p. 18-19) The Catechism of the Catholic Church speaks of "the altar, which is the centre of the church" (para. 1182) and as that "around which the Church is gathered" in the Mass (para. 1383).

To this I would add the following additional considerations, which should be thought of as neither trifling nor secondary.
First, that of the use of antependia (or "altar frontals") to give the altar its fullest liturgical expression, vesting it in the liturgical colour of the feast or liturgical season. These we might think of as the vestments of the altar. As Peter F. Anson noted in Churches: Their Plan and Furnishing, "It has always been the mind of the Church that, in a mystical sense, the altar is Christ, and that, like the priest who celebrates Mass, it should be clothed in precious vestments on account of its dignity..." He continues noting that "the frontal is one of the most ancient of all the furniture of the altar." Beyond this, the frontal itself also lends a further prominence and centrality to the altar, and "helps to mark the degrees of festivity in the Church's liturgy." (J.B. O'Connell, Church Building and Furnishing)

High Altar of G.F. Bodley's church of St John the Evangelist. Antependium made by Luzar Vestments. Detail of photo by James Bradley
Second, if we are decorating for feasts or festal seasons, let us not crowd our altars with an over-abundance of flowers but instead employ a tasteful restraint -- and let these be cut flowers I would suggest, not potted. For those using altars versus populum, let the altar not become an obscured backdrop by virtue of the placement of floral arrangements, nativity scenes, "Lenten arrangements" or displays before it. The altar should stand on its own and if anything should stand before it, let it be the priest.
Finally, in that regard and by extension, let us not fail to give consideration to the vestments which are used by the priest and other clerics in exercising their sacred ministry at the altar; nor, for that matter, to the vesture of the servers. These too should be marked by their beauty, dignity and nobility.
None of these considerations should be taken as mere aestheticisms. They are most certainly not that. They are rather matters which are tied to the importance of the altar by virtue of its role within divine worship, and more generally, to the dignity and importance of the Church's solemn, public, liturgical worship.