The incensation of the altar

The cathedra of the Pope

The bells ring and the Gloria sung

First Reading

Responsorial Psalm

The second reading, chanted in Greek by a Greek subdeacon.
At this point, an always interesting aspect of the papal liturgy comes forth, insofar as the Gospel is proclaimed in both Latin by a Roman deacon, and in Greek by a Greek deacon. (For more on this, see here.)

The Greek and Roman Deacons

The Roman deacon proclaims the Gospel in Latin

The Greek deacon proclaims the same Gospel in Greek

The Greek deacon brings the book of the Gospels to the Pope, kisses it, the Pope kisses it and blesses the faithful with it.

The Homily
The Mandatum or Washing of the Feet

The Mass of the Faithful

During the Canon

Hoc est enim Corpus meum

Holy Communion
The Stripping of the Altar and Procession to the Altar of Repose

We now await Good Friday...