Now it has been announced that at the same time (13 April to 23 May), the Royal Palace of Turin will for the first time publicly show the Treasure of the Shroud, which consists of 700 pieces of sacred art, 77 of which have been selected and restored for this exposition (cf. article in La Stampa). There is a photo gallery of some of the most remarkable pieces.
Among them is a Golden Rose, presented by Blessed Pius IX in 1847 to Queen Mary Adelaide of Piedmont-Sardinia:

Then there is a monstrance by Innocenzo Gaya (early 19th c.) with the instruments of the Passion and the Shroud itself:

And a reliquary:

These item will be displayed in the sacristy of the Chapel of the Shroud within the Royal Palace, which has also been restored for the occasion and will be publicly accessible for the first time:

In the Royal Chapel itself, where the Shroud used to be kept, some paraments will be on display, among them a wonderful altar frontal of the beginning of the 16th c., showing the Birth of the Virgin Mary (center) with the Annunciation (left and right):

As well as vestments:

The exposition tour will end on the royal tribune of Turin Cathedral, where the splendid gilt bronze glass case from the 17th c. is shown, in which the Holy Shroud in its silver reliquary was carried in procession: