These are just some early photos, taken with a new camera. I'm still not used to it, so bear with me; there will be many more forthcoming shortly, as well as a more detailed account of the services from myself. Let me just say for now that the priests and seminarians of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter did a truly extraordinary job in organizing and executing this very long, (four and a half hours) very complicated, and very beautiful ceremony. My heartiest congratulations to them all!

The ark containing the relics of the Saints which were installed in the various altars of the church.

The Gregorian water and incense used in the consecration service were blessed the evening before by the FSSP Superior General.
The Aula Magna of the seminary, which has been used hitherto as the chapel.
The episcopal throne, and the seat prepared for Cardinal William Levada to attend the ceremony in choir.
Rehearsal the day before. The cross-bearer was one of five members of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer who study at OLG.
The very long procession from the main building to the front of the church. Friars from the Carmel of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Wyoming also study at Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Among the consecrators of the side-altars were the Very Rev. Fr. John Berg, the Superior General of the Fraternity.
Also His Excellency James Timlin, Bishop Emeritus of Scranton, Pennsylvania, the former home of the Fraternity.
The principal consecrator and celebrant was His Excellency Fabian Bruskewitz, Bishop of Lincoln, Nebraska, the current home of the Fraternity.
Among the large crowd of faithful attending the ceremony were some of the professors who teach at OLG, and the Knights of Columbus.
The exterior of the building is sprinked with holy water. The bishop is preceded by all of the clergy present, and followed by the laity.
His Eminence William Cardinal Levada, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and the new head of the Ecclesia Dei commission, attended the service in choir, and delivered the homily.
The celebrant sprinkles the interior of the church with holy water.
The ensign-bearers wait by the un-consecrated and un-decorated altar.
The bishop traces the Latin and Greek alphabets in sand, spread out in an X form in the midst of the choir. (Photo courtesy of
The relics of the martyrs are processed into the church by four deacons in red dalmatics.
The bishops annoints each of the twelve consecration-crosses with holy oil. (And the FSSP seminarians demonstrate that it is quite possible to move a large wooden staircase-and-platform with dignity).
A lit candle is placed in the bracket beneath each of the crosses.
The bishop incenses the cross.
The annointing of the altar.
As noted above, more photos will be made available in the coming days.