Monday, February 01, 2010

First Fota Liturgical Conference Proceedings Soon to be Published

In 2008, the St. Colman's Society for Catholic Liturgy hosted their 1st annual liturgical conference on the theme of "Benedict XVI and the Sacred Liturgy." (The NLM reported on this conference here.) The papers from that inaugural conference are being made available in a published format by Four Courts Press this May.

From the publishers website:

Benedict XVI and the Sacred Liturgy

Neil J. Roy & Janet E. Rutherford, editors

"This volume provides a general overview of some of the more important themes in Benedict XVI’s liturgical writings."


D. Vincent Twomey (St Patrick’s College, Maynooth), Benedict XVI, Pope and leigourgos

Jorge Maria Cardinal Mejía (Secretary of the College of Cardinals), The problem of translation

Manfred Hauke (U Lugano, Switzerland), Klaus Gamber: father of the new liturgical movement

Helen Hull Hitchcock, Benedict XVI and the ‘reform of the reform’

James Hitchcock (St Louis U), Continuity and disruption in the liturgy

Uwe Michael Lang (Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments), The crisis of sacred art and the sources for its renewal in the thought of Benedict XVI

Dennis McManus (Georgetown U), Translation theory in Liturgiam authenticam

Joseph Murphy (Secretariat of State, Vatican City), Joseph Ratzinger and the liturgy: a theological approach

Alcuin Reid, The liturgical reform of Benedict XVI

Neil J. Roy, The Roman Canon: deësis in euchology.

192pp. May 2010
Catalogue Price: €30.00
Web Price: €27.00

See: Four Courts Press: Benedict XVI and the Sacred Liturgy

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