I am pleased to announce to our readers today the addition of a new writer to the NLM writing team, Mr. Gregory DiPippo.
Gregory is originally a native of Providence, Rhode Island, who has been studying, living and working in Rome for several years now. He has studied both Classics and Patristics, and is fluent in both Latin and ancient Greek -- as well as Italian. While still a student in Rome, he was introduced to the usus antiquior in its former Roman home, the church of the Caravita, and had the great fortune to serve the Mass for a few years under the tutelage of one of the foremost liturgical scholars of our times, the late Fr. Franck Quoex. He was for many years the Master of Ceremonies for the Fraternity of Saint Peter’s Roman Apostolate, at both San Gregorio de’ Muratori and Trinita’ dei Pellegrini.
Gregory is particularly interested in the history of the liturgical reforms between the time of the Council of Trent and the Second Vatican Council; his previous series on the NLM covered the reform of Holy Week instituted by Pope Pius XII, and we are currently nearing the end of his series of articles on the reforms of the Roman Breviary. He has done a great deal of research on the liturgical variants of the Latin Rite, such as the Uses of Sarum and the uses of the religious orders; in future articles, he also plans on discussing certain aspects of these variants. He will also discuss some features of the liturgy which are particular to the use of the church of Rome itself, or which originated as specifically Roman customs.
Welcome Gregory!