The cathedral website notes the following about their restoration:
The Cathedral Restoration is an initial three-year Restoration effort coupled with an ongoing endowment component. It will accomplish several important goals with respect to the current and future mission of the Cathedral...
Beyond making needed repairs, the project will develop the architectural and artistic aspects of the Cathedral to an unprecedented level. When work is completed, we anticipate that the Cathedral will reflect the original architect Emmanuel Masqueray’s concepts to a much greater degree than ever before...
This project will result in a physically sound, inspirationally beautiful building well equipped—and well funded—to advance its mission reflecting the glory of the Father and pointing people toward His Son.
This image will give you a sense of the cathedral as it has been:

Here are some images of the cathedral as it will look following the restorations:

The great ciborium over the high altar. (The tabernacle is seen through. See below.)

The Reserved Sacrament