Italian Vaticanist Andrea Tornielli wrote a beautiful article about the important event we reported on the NLM. Andrea cited the NLM as a news source, which is excellent for our site, considering the well known accuracy of the sources he chooses. Thank you Andrea!
Some have unfortunately questioned the canonical relevance of the letter signed by the Vice-President of PCED: I would like to reassure all that the Commission has a strong and competent canonical advice from the highest ranks of Papal Commissions and Ecclesiastical Tribunals.
Msgr. Perl's letter is, of course, a consequence of this advice.
Obviously, thinking that the Commission would intend to legislate with a private letter is absurd. Its Vice-President, on the contrary, wished to clarify something which is already logically and intrinsically meant in the Papal text, without any need of further proper canonical legislation or authoritative interpretation. I'd ask amateur canonists to avoid further comments on this. Fr. Moore explicitly asked his name on the response to be made public.
All Ambrosian Rite faithful who feel attached to the extraordinary form are now deeply grateful to Fr. Moore for his courage and frankness. It is important to point out that every act of unfortunate reprisal against him or other Ambrosian Rite priests will be immediately reported to the competent Roman authorities, who are, as PCED letter clearly shows, very attentive to the point.
Finally, as announced before, a Solemn High Mass of thanksgiving in the extraordinary form of the Ambrosian Rite will be offered today in the Archdiocese of Milan. Everyone in our readership wishing to thank the Divine Providence for the recent good news, is kindly requested to join spiritually in the Sacrifice of the altar with the faithful present at the Mass.
Picture above: "St. Charles, visiting the Melsoncine Valley, in Swiss part of the Archdiocese, with preaching, fast and alms converts to the True Faith many Catholics lapsed to Protestantism" by Camillo Landriani.