Here are the songs affected by the Vatican directive, with new editions provided free by OCP:
Download songs (PDF)And the Father Will Dance (Carey Landry)
Como Busca la Cierva (Xavier Gonzales Tescuano)
Como Por Las Fuentes de Agua (Perla Moré)
El Rey De La Gloria (Aldo Blanco Dávalos)
I Lift Up my Soul (Tim Manion)
I Love You, Lord/Te Amo, Señor (Julie and Tim Smith)
In Praise of His Name (Roc O’Connor)
Let the King of Glory Come (Michael Joncas)
Like a Seal on Your Heart (Carey Landry)
Me Alegré (Carlos Rosas)
Sing a New Song (Dan Schutte)
The Lord is King (Rory Cooney)
Tu Eres Mi Hijo (Patricio Gómez Junco)
You are Near (Dan Schutte)
Yahweh (now titled "God of My Salvation") (Gregory Norbet)
Yahweh Is My Shepherd (now titled "Shepherd of My Soul") (Millie Rieth)
Yahweh, The Faithful One (now titled "The Faithful One") (Dan Schutte)
OCP grants reprint permission for these songs to current missal subscribers and hymnal customers through November 29, 2009.