We all know that since Summorum Pontificum, there has been some difference of opinion about the provision for the readings to be (optionally) done directly and exclusively in the vernacular. Some love it, some do not, and some sit somewhere in between.
Such a poll might tell what is occuring "on the ground" since the motu proprio, particularly within parishes. While we are at it, it seemed an opportunity to get a sense of what various people think of this new option.
CAVEAT: I will note that the intent of this poll is not to be used to advocate a position any which way. After all, the liturgy is not about private opinion and mere personal preferences. Further, in any question of options, there is always the question of whether it should be employed given various prudential or pastoral considerations.
The present survey then, is simply for informational purposes and is mostly interested in the question of what has been occuring since the motu proprio to get a sense of the lay of the liturgical land now and what it might be in the near future.