Saturday, April 04, 2009

Carmelites of Wyoming

Monasticism has always been something of great interest to me, particularly in its Benedictine and Carthusian incarnations. When I was in my early 20's, one of my fondest memories was of the joy of discovering the daily reading of the Rule of St. Benedict and of the praying the divine office.

It was then too that I discovered the particular blessing that is to be found within a monastic retreat, where ora et labora can be tied into one's day to day retreat life, alongside with the Mass and the ebb and flow of the monastic Office.

These considerations came about as, yesterday, I had the great pleasure to receive a DVD and brochure from the Carmelites of Wyoming, and this DVD contained various scenes and elements of their religious life which made me recollect this interest. In that DVD, they share their aspirations to expand their foundation, building new structures on the property to facilitate more brothers, nuns and even hermits.

They have a very rich vision and support the ancient liturgical forms. Accordingly, I wished to pass this information onto each of you, and recommend you give whatever support you can to these fine men.

I thought this would also provide an opportunity to share with you just a few images from this DVD, which shows some of their rich Carmelite life in Wyoming.

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