Juventutem in Chartres: 30 May-1st June 2009. A Juventutem Chapter is to attend again the great Traditional pilgrimage from Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris to Notre-Dame cathedral in Chartres: on Whit week-end 2009. Come and join the Juventutem young adults, one group among 8.000 young Catholic walking the 70-mile pilgrimage across the beautiful French countryside!
If there was one pilgrimage that I would like to get to in my lifetime, it would be the Chartres pilgrimage.
On the topic of Juventutem more generally, they report that "the Federation has received applications from two new prospective groups. Following this, we are glad to announce you of the foundation and affiliation of “Juventutem Londrina” in Brazil and of “Juventutem Czech-Slovakia”. Please visit them on http://www.juventutem.cz. Contacts have been made with potential members in Asia (other than Juventutem Hong Kong). A further application from Ancona in Italy has recently reached us and is currently being examined."
It is good to hear of Juventutem's continued growth and I would encourage parishes or local groups of individuals to consider making an application to the International Juventutem Federation to establish your own local Juventutem groups.