The 1911 Catholic Encyclopedia has this to say about collegiate chapters:
The origin of cathedral and collegiate chapters, springing from the common life of clerics attached to cathedrals and other important churches, has been treated in the article CHAPTER, where special attention is given to what regards cathedral capitulars (see CHAPTER). Collegiate churches were formed on the model of cathedral churches, and the collegiate canons have rights and duties similar to the capitulars of a cathedral, except that they have no voice in the government of the diocese, even when the see is vacant. Their main object is the solemn celebration of the Divine Office in choir. Already in the time of Charlemagne many wealthy collegiate churches had been founded throughout his empire, especially in Germany and France, of which that at Aachen was the most celebrated.(Read the entire article here, cf. also the entries for "Chapter" and "Canon".)

According to the Provost, the Collegiate Chapter "put simply, can be called a monastery for secular priests". The diocesan newspaper writes (NLM translation):
For Provost Plettenbauer, the revival of the Collegiate Chapter is an up-to-date response to the challenges facing priests today: "In the community, a culture of priestly life can arise, which keeps awake the joy of the vocation." The form of life in community can also encourage young men to follow a priestly vocation. [...] Bishop Ludwig Schwarz on the introduction of the canons expressed this wish: "May their pastoral work be a blessing for Mattighofen and the surrounding parishes."
One of the new canons said this to the news agency (NLM translation):
"The common life of the clerics goes back to the Lord Himself who together with his Apostles led a life in community, a vita communis" says Leon Sireisky, one of the new canons. "This form of life is appropriate to the special priesthood [the ministerial priesthood, NLM] and prevents dangerous loneliness of the clergy. In addition, a collegial practice makes everyday life easier: it ensures a better continuing education as well as a good supply with everyday necessities.
"One may well think that this form of priestly life of the early Church will also be the future. There will be priests in community, or none. This becomes apparent in practice, where 'stable' orders have many more young vocations than the secular clergy."
This seems like a very welcome case of answering pastoral needs of the present by drawing on the wealth of the traditional heritage of our Church instead of throwing it overboard. It is my hope that other bishops take note, especially where such institutions still exist, even if they have ceased as active corporations.