From 15 to 19 September, a course to learn the
usus antiquior of the Roman Rite was held in Toledo, Spain's Primatial See. The workshop was jointly organized by the Archdiocese of Toledo and the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest; the vicar general of Card. Cañizares gave some of the talks. All participants learned to say Low Mass and the basics of the
missa cantata. There also were classes about Gregorian chant, the Breviary, the Rituale and the liturgical year.
Una Voce La Coruña brings us these pictures of a solemn Mass celebrated during the workshop (click to enlarge):

Speaking of workshops for the Extraordinary Form in Spain, another such workshop will be held from 24 to 28 November in Pontevedra, organized by the Fraternity of Christ the Priest and St. Mary Queen in cooperation with the Institute of the Good Shepherd. It will include above all practical formation in the celebration of Low, Sung and Solemn Mass, as well as the rites for the faithful departed. Gregorian chant and the traditional Breviary will also be part of the classes. For more information see