Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Beauty of the Liturgy

As NLM readers will know, one of my own great interests, aside form the history of the liturgy and the variances of the liturgical rites and uses of the West, is the sacred arts. In view of that, I happened across this image yesterday and I couldn't help but share with our readership. It is a rather unique -- and I think, rather stunning -- vestment fabric.

(Photo credit: John Sonnen)

It seems to me that it is always important to remember that beauty is an important aspect of our liturgical rites and ceremonies, and further, that is has an important effect upon the faithful, and in particular, children.

Beauty should be manifest through our vesture and vestments, through sacred music, through sacred architecture, through the liturgical texts and ceremonies, through the ars celebrandi as it relates to priests, clerics and servers alike, and finally, in our interior and exterior participation in all these things.

Ultimately, these external acts and actions affect us interiorly, and reflect the intense spiritual beauty of the sacred mysteries and the sacred realities they bring forth.

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