I thank you in the name of the French bishops for the good work of the priests of the Institute in the dioceses of France.
Archbishop Burke, during his visit, blessed and crowned an antique statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Here are some pictures:
Cardinal Ricard assisting at the throne at a Solemn Mass:

Archbishop Burke blessing and crowning the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus:

Archbishop Burke with Msgr. Schmitz:

Note that the Archbishop is wearing a tufted fascia (instead of the fringed one) which used to be worn with choir dress. I hope we can discuss this reasonably, but it is certainly interesting that the Archbishop who is one of the foremost canonists and known for his meticulous observation of the law does wear this item of vesture when many argue that its abolition by Paul VI is still in force. However, let us not only focus on this one rather specific point at such a splendid occasion.
Read the accounts with more pictures here and here.