Monday, August 04, 2008
New Regular Mass in the Ambrosian Usus Antiquior to Be Established
Gregor Kollmorgen
The Rinascimento Sacro website informs us of a new regular celebration of the traditional form of the Ambrosian rite which is to be established in the Archdiocese of Milan.
The article contains some thoughts about the application of Summorum Pontificum to the Ambrosian rite which you may or may not find convincing (the NLM's own Nicola De Grandi had an excellent series of articles about this controversial question earlier), but in any case there appear to have been some talks between faithful desiring such a celebration and the Milanese Curia, and the result will be a new regular Mass according to the Missale Ambrosianum of 1954 (editio quinta post typicam) at a place within the Archdiocese of Milan, but, as I infer, outside the See city, in addition to the Mass celebrated each Sunday at San Rocco al Gentilino. While further details are not yet known, this celebration will begin in October, and apparently there are already some further requests for the Ambrosian usus antiquior.