The church definitely has some potential, and with a few beautifications, can be quite nice indeed, particularly if they emphasize the gothic revival character of the main altar by introducing some colour to the reredos. (I would definitely suggest deep red, deep blue and gold highlights.) I was very pleased to hear that altar frontals are already in preparation. This altar will do well with such ornaments indeed.
Monday, July 07, 2008
Photos from Inaugural Mass: Holy Family Parish, Vancouver
Shawn Tribe
A reader from Vancouver, where a new personal parish is being established for the usus antiquior, sends in photos from their inaugural Mass at Holy Family Parish.

The church definitely has some potential, and with a few beautifications, can be quite nice indeed, particularly if they emphasize the gothic revival character of the main altar by introducing some colour to the reredos. (I would definitely suggest deep red, deep blue and gold highlights.) I was very pleased to hear that altar frontals are already in preparation. This altar will do well with such ornaments indeed.

The church definitely has some potential, and with a few beautifications, can be quite nice indeed, particularly if they emphasize the gothic revival character of the main altar by introducing some colour to the reredos. (I would definitely suggest deep red, deep blue and gold highlights.) I was very pleased to hear that altar frontals are already in preparation. This altar will do well with such ornaments indeed.