In addition to the papers being presented at this conference (more on that below), there will also be a three-hour round table discussion which will involve a short presentation, followed by comments and discussion by the round-table participants and general questions. The theme of the discussion will be "Efforts and experiences in renewing the liturgical life "
I was pleased to be invited to participate as one of the Round Table speakers, where I will speak upon the NLM, its history, its founding vision and purpose, how it has sought to contribute to a renewal of liturgical life, and moreover, what we have seen in this regard.
In addition to myself, other participants will include, Msgr. Michael Schmitz of the ICRSS, Fr. Dennis Kolinski of the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius, Fr. Sven Konrad, FSSP, Fr. Guillaume de Tanoüarn of the Institute of the Good Shepherd, Mindaugas Kubilius of the 'Ad Fontes' project and Vilnius University, and Fr. Péter Ágoston Ullmann OPraem of the St Augustine Liturgical Atelier.
Most primary however are the papers and here are a few of the speakers and the papers they will deliver:
- Robert Skeris, "Theology of worship and of its music: From Joseph Ratzinger to John Paul II to Benedict XVI";
- NLM writer Fr. Thomas Kocik, "The “reform of the reform” in broad perspective: Re-engaging the living tradition";
- Msgr. Schmitz of the ICRSS, "Culture and detail: The mystery of liturgical life";
- Dr. Lauren Pristas, "Septuagesima and the post-Vatican II liturgical reform"
- Dr. Laurence Hemming, on the issue of time in the liturgy;
- Dr. Alcuin Reid, "The Liturgical Reform of Pope Benedict XVI"
- Prof. Laszlo Dobszay, " The perspectives of an organic development".
There are other papers as well but these will be the names most recognizable to NLM readers and it presents a quality of line-up I have not seen since Oxford in 2006.
The conference takes place from August 21-24.
Liturgically, the conference will also include:
Solemn Vespers
Solemn Mass in the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite
Missa Cantata in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (parish use)
Solemn High Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (cathedral use)
There will also be an excursion to a Serbian Orthodox all-night vigil, which includes dinner and boat trip back to Budapest.
I know many of our priests here try to go to a conference per year. I would highly recommend you consider making this your conference to attend as it looks like a great event. I for one am looking forward to the papers that will be delivered.
Those interested in registering or learning more, please see the conference website.
For the sake of discussion, are any of our readers here already planning on going, or are you considering going? Do feel free to share in the comments. I am hopeful to meet more NLM readers there.