When paths lead to Chartres
Rome, May 7, 2008
...the leaders of the association Notre Dame de Chretiente were in Rome today.
A delegation consisting of Olivier de Durat, president of the association, Fr. Pozzetto, chaplain emeritus and co-founder of the pilgrimage, Father Le Coq, chaplain general, and Matthieu Joulie, vice-president, attended an audience of the Holy Father this morning.
Fr. Pozzetto had the great pleasure of presenting the book "Generation Chartres" published this year during the 25th year of pilgrimage and the DVD, "Les marcheurs de Dieu" (The Marchers of God) made during the 2007 pilgrimage. He also thanked filially the Holy Father for the Motu Proprio, Summorum Pontificum, and for the erection that same day, a traditional parish in Rome.
The Holy Father was warmly thanked for his presence and gift.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Chartres Pilgrimage Organizers Present DVD and Book on the History of the Pilgrimage to Benedict XVI in Rome Today
Shawn Tribe
The following communique comes from the organizers of the Chartres Pilgrimage, Notre Dame de Chretiente. I was quite interested to learn of the book and DVD that they have put out. Here it is in NLM translation: