After Mass, the Capitulars, singing the 'Veni Creator Spiritus', processed to the Chapter Room and prepared to elect a new Prior Provincial. Shortly afterwards, a bell rang to summon the other friars present in the priory to hear the outcome of the election.
Fr Allan announced the good news that Fr John Farrell had accepted his election as Prior Provincial of the English Province for the next four years. Later that day the election was confirmed by the Master of the Order. Fr John had hitherto been superior of the Dominican house in Newcastle. It may interest NLM readers to learn that the Priory church of St Dominic has a Mass in the Extraordinary Form every Sunday, under the auspices of the Latin Mass Society, and Fr John has offered this Mass regularly.
In the evening, the fathers of the Chapter assembled with the Oxford brethren for Solemn Vespers; this was the new Provincial's first liturgical celebration with the brethren and we were joined by our regular weekday congregation.
The Provincial specifically asked that "the ancestors" - the relics of the Order's major saints - be brought out and placed on the High Altar and these were duly incensed and venerated during Vespers.
Please pray for our new Prior Provincial, Fr John Farrell, and the brothers of the English Province, that we may respond with open hearts to the call given to us to continue St Dominic's mission of preaching for the salvation of souls.